John Niebling

John Niebling began his career in Arlington Texas as a Volunteer Firefighter at age 16, which led to attending advanced medical training and becoming and Emergency Medical Technician at 18. After several years as a Firefighter/EMT, John was selected to attend the Police Academy to become a Police Officer and serve as a fully cross-trained Public Safety Officer. John also worked closely with the United States Secret Service Financial Crimes Task Force and worked multiple high-level cases which resulted in hundreds of arrests for all levels of Fraud (Cell Phone Cloning, Credit Card Fraud and Identity takeovers).
John joined JetBlue Airways in 2003 and excelled to be a recognized Leader on the Corporate Security team, based in Orlando FL and oversees the southeast region of the United States. John has supported and served as a Leader for multiple Volunteer organizations, such as Saint Cloud Youth Pop Warner Football and Cheer as the President of the Organization, Mid-Florida Pop-Warner as a Board Member, Travis Roy Foundation, Central Florida Crimeline (Crime-Stoppers Florida) and Advisory Boards for local Law Enforcement agencies.
John instills volunteerism in his family and encourages the opportunity to give back to the communities he serves within JetBlue and has been a recipient of the Presidents Volunteer Service award for the last 15 years.