Gary Sinise Foundation
Gary Sinise Foundation News

Snowball Express 2011

December 9th, 2011


Snowball Express is always seeking volunteers. You can learn more at their website.

Supporting the families of fallen defenders is a major priority of the Gary Sinise Foundation. If you have the means, you can help us with a donation.

Well, folks. It's the Holiday Season again. Hard to believe that 2011 is already drawing to a close. And with Christmas just around the corner, that means it's time for the band and I to travel to Dallas to perform at Snowball Express. We look forward to playing this show all year long. It's one dear to all of our hearts.

Snowball Express is an annual gathering of the children and spouses of our nation's fallen defenders. These families, faced with their unimaginable grief, are flown free of charge by American Airlines to Dallas to participate in a five-day long retreat packed with non-stop music, food and entertainment. By meeting one another and sharing their stories, both kids and parents can build relationships with the only people who can truly relate to their experiences. And, hopefully, form lasting memories with a new outlook for the future.

These families are our nation's unsung heroes. While we recognize the incredible sacrifice of our fallen heroes, we can never do enough to support those they leave behind. That's why I, along with the Gary Sinise Foundation, am so proud to be aligned with an organization as remarkable as Snowball Express.

Check out the videos below -- a PSA I recorded for Snowball Express 2011 along with a highlight reel I narrated from last year.

See you in Dallas. God bless.


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