Gary Sinise Foundation
Gary Sinise Foundation News

This Weekend: Pueblo, CO and New Orleans, LA

August 3rd, 2011


Another big weekend coming up. Two days, two stops, two time zones.

On Saturday, I’ll be in Pueblo, Colorado to attend the 9/11 We Remember to Never Forget" Freedom Celebration hosted by the Center for American Values. Its founder, Drew Dix, is a Medal of Honor recipient and good friend of mine. It’ll be my privilege to join him in honoring the memories of those we lost ten years ago on September 11, 2001. Nine of the FDNY’s 9/11 first-responders will be there. Some are close personal friends and I can’t wait to shake all of their hands.

Best of all, the event is free and open to the public. So if you’re in that neck of the woods, I encourage you to stop by. Should be a wonderful time.

Then on Sunday, the band and I are headed down to New Orleans to play the Disabled American Veterans 90th Annual National Convention. I first attended their convention in Chicago back in 1994, one month after Forrest Gump was released. They presented me with their Commanders Award for portraying a disabled veteran. It hangs on my wall to this day:



I’ve been involved with this fine organization ever since and was honored to be asked to serve as national spokesperson for the American Veterans Disabled For Life memorial project. It will open in Washington D.C. on November 11, 2012.

This year’s convention is focused on an issue I feel strongly about: Eliminating the red tape veterans can encounter when claiming their benefits and improving mental healthcare for both the wounded and their families. Veterans, especially the wounded, face enough difficulties in simply returning to civilian life. They deserve their benefits and support without stress or delay. And there’s no excuse for treating our defenders as anything less than the heroes they are.

The Gary Sinise Foundation is closely aligned with all of these organizations, so by supporting us, you’ll be supporting them. If you have the means, I do hope you’ll consider making a donation. Or help us spread the word by sharing this post. Every voice, every dollar will forward our mission to honor and serve our defenders and their families.

Thank you in advance for your help. It is so appreciated. God bless you.

Your pal,